Tuesday, August 25, 2009


       Bangchak Petroleum is extending its alternative-energy contest for the third year and has reaffirmed its leading role as a promoter of alternative fuels.
       Its chief goal is to persuade youngsters to join the effort to tackling global warming.
       Under the theme of "Towards the Goal of Thailand as Asia's No-1 Player in Alternative Energy",the project has been launched with cooperation from the Office of the Basic Dducation Commission.
       Winners stand to reap Bt2 million worth of prizes.
       "In this year's contest, youths must answer how biodiesel and gasohol can alleviate our economic problems and reduce the danger of global warming," said Bangchak president Anusorn Sangnimnuan.
       "We believe this project could disperse knowledge about alternative energy among 1.5 million youths.
       "After the project comes to a close, the ideas submitted will be sent to the Energy Ministry, to show that Thai youths are aware and taking part in the nation's efforts to be a leader in alternative energy."
       Each year, Bangchak mobilises support from more than 200 employees to promote knowledge om niodiesel and gasohol, which have gained popularity in other countries, as well.
       "Some countries with advanced technology are stepping up efforts to obtain support from a new generation.
       The moves are aimed at using non-food materials like single-cell seaweed for biodiesel and plant cellulose for ethanol.
       "Leading economies in the 21st century should excel in the field of clean energy," Anusorn said.
       Bangchak now consumes 200,000 litres of ethanol a day in offering gasohol products to Thai consumers.
       Thailand's biodiesel and gasohol consumption accounts for 4.3 percent of total energy use.
       If consumption reaches 15 per cent,Thailand can save up to Bt100 billion by reducing oil imports.
       This will ensure energy stability and help both the environment and farmers.
       Ther contest is now seeking participants from high-school students nationwide.
       They can express their ideas through exhibition boards.
       Students from more than 3,000 schools have been invited to take part and sign up between next Sunday and October 20.
       For more information, visit www.bangchak.co.th.

       If consumption reaches 15 per cent, Thailand can save up to Bt100 billion by reducing oil imports.

       A POSTER from Bangchak Petroleum urges students to join its competition seeking innovative energy ideas and promoting biodiesel and ethanol fuels.

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